I love Valentine's Day...I've always thought it's a much needed holiday. Although we tell our husbands that we love them everyday (I hope everyone does that), I like having a special day set aside for just that....love. As sappy as it may be Valentine's Day allows us to rekindle that spark that brought us together in the first place. Today was the first Valentine's day we've ever gone to church on, and it was amazing! I wish this holiday landed on a Sunday everyday. Our church is doing a new series on relationships (or "relationsLips" as they call it). Today Pastor Dave talked about marriage and discussed what women need from their husbands and what they need in return from us. His sermon made so much sense. He talked about how God has to be the core of your relationship for it to have a fighting chance. I'm so thankful that I have a God-fearing husband. He is absolutely amazing and I couldn't have picked a better man to be the father of my kids. It melts my heart everytime I see him with Ryan. She's definitely a 'daddy's girl' and considering I'm a daddy's girl myself, I couldn't be more pleased. Jarrod is a wonderful provider, terrific father, and an amazing best friend. I can't imagine my life without him and I just wanted to take a moment to tell him that. I love you baby and I look forward to everyday we get to spend together for the rest of our lives :)