This pregnancy has gone by fast....very fast! Although I do complain about all of my "symptoms," I am very thankful that it hasn't dragged on and on (like Ryan's did). We just had my baby shower this weekend and I received some really great gifts! Everett's room is painted, the crib, dresser, and glider are all set up. All we have left is to hang everything on the walls and start packing his bag for the hospital. I can't believe he'll be here in 4 weeks (or less)!
I went to the doctor today and everything looks good. He said I could go anytime now and to start looking out for contractions. I can't believe he's about to be here, I still can't seem to get my mind around it. For the longest time when anyone would asked me if I was "ready" for him to be here I would so "no!" I know it's going to be stressful with a 1 year old, a baby, and being in school full time, but I'm happy to say I am finally ready! I feel very privileged to have a daughter and now a son. Jarrod and I have decided we will just be a family of 4, so this will be our last child...for anyone who did not already know that.
As much as I'm ready for Everett to be here (and to not be pregnant anymore) I will miss it just being me and Ryan. I've already had a few moments of 'guilt' knowing that I'm about to have to share my attention with another child instead of giving it all to her, but I know she'll be alright and she'll probably love having someone to play with other than me (I know I can't be that much fun). She loves being around other kids, so I think she's going to like having a little brother. I'm not that worried about it.....I think I'm more worried about the lack of sleep I'll be getting.