Getting ready for the delivery of Everett was much different than when I had Ryan. since I was having a planned c-section i had my mom keep ryan the night before my surgery. Surprisingly I was able to get a few hours of sleep that night. The next morning we woke up at 4:30 a.m., got ready, and headed to the hospital. Things moved so quickly that before I knew it I was on the operating table and Everett was literally on his way. Once I heard his first cry I immediately broke out in's the best sound in the world!

I was able to get a few looks at him before they took him out to the nursery. I spent a couple of
hours in recovery and then was wheeled to my room where Jarrod, Ryan, my mom, sister, dad, and step-mom were waiting on me. After successfully moving from the stretcher onto the hospital bed (not easy to do wen you can't lift or feel your legs), the nursery brought me my new little man and I finally got to hold him for the first time. I was surprised at how much hair he had...but I guess that explains all the horrendous heartburn I had during pregnancy.

Ryan didn't seem to pay much attention to Everett in the hospital; she was more interested in spending time with all of the visitors we had. My sister stayed with me most of the time so that Jarrod could be home with Ryan at night...I think it was her excuse to spend some extra time with Everett. By Sunday night I was definitely ready to go home. I had not gotten to see Ryan very much that weekend and was starting to feel a little bit homesick.
Monday morning Jarrod, Everett, and I left the hospital and headed to pick up Ryan from his grandparents house. Immediately when she got in the truck and saw the baby she started pointing at him and saying "Baby! Baby!....Ebit!" Once we got home she didn't mess with him too much, but loved giving him kisses on the top of his headd and helping me burp him by patting him on the back. She's been the best little sister so far and I thank God everyday for blessing me with such a beautiful family.