Thursday, October 6, 2011
Little Nuggets
Does anyone else come up with completely ridiculous names to call their kids? No? Just me? It's almost as if once you become a parent you just automatically start calling your kids anything but their actual names. For some very odd reason I have always called my kids "nuggets." It just kind of came naturally. "Hey there nugget!" "Love you nugget!" "Want another nugget, nugget?" You get the point. Since I know think that my kids are the cutest kids in the world, I will now post lots of pictures showing all of their awesomeness. Enjoy :)
10 year high school reunion already?

Last weekend I went to my 10 year high school reunion (surprised right? Considering I don't look a day over 21...). Honestly I surprised myself by even going. I always said i wouldn't. I didn't really enjoy high school. I always felt awkward and that I didn't really fit into a group. I wasn't a nerd, jock, cheerleader, drama queen, sports star, goth lover, or an active participate in any kind of club. I was just, I had a few friends, but not many, and I haven't really kept in touch with many of them.
Facebook, however, has put me in contact with many of my fellow classmates and have actually began "facebook friendships" (you all know what I'm talking about). I hoped that we would all see each other at the reunion and just chat it up all night, but I was also a little nervous that people would instantly jump back into their old clicks and I would essentially be left in a corner showing my husband how 'popular' I really was in high school. So what exactly happened that night? Well, a little bit of everything. Since me and Jarrod are always such early birds (well, he is so I am by default) the 1st 20 minutes were a little awkward. You find yourself glancing around the room hoping to find someone to talk to. You give the nervous smile and hope they even recognize who you are.
After the 1st 20 minutes went by there were plenty of people to chit chat with. Even my husband found a few friends :) The room quickly filled up with people. All the old year books were laid out and my husband got to see just how photogenic I was back then

All in all I'm really glad I went. Some people have changed and others have stayed the same. I'm excited to see what the 20th reunion will be like, and I now know that I will definitely be going to that one too.
Here's a picture of all the alumni together. If you look closely you can see my left eye. I got stuck behind one of the big boys and everytime they went to take a picture he would raise his arm and hoop and hollar. I finally had to yank his arm down on the last one they took so that I could maybe prove I was really there.

Monday, July 11, 2011
My Little Cookie Monster turns 1!
Well, it actually happened. Everett turned 1. No more babies in the Oerman household. I'm a little sad about that, but then I remember all the money we will be saving by not having to buy formula and that makes me very happy :) I'm a firm believer that bottles should be taken away after a child turns 1. I literally threw Everett's in the trash (Ryan had used these same bottles so they were beyond ready to be tossed!). I had whittled Everett from 3 bottles a days, to 2, then finally to 1. Two days before his birthday I scooped out that last bit of formula and almost did a happy dance! Now of course when the formula is gone, milk has to take its place (from a sippy cup....get rid of those bottles people!). We introduced Everett to whole milk a week before his birthday and let's just say....I've never seen him throw something that far. He didn't like it one bit. It looked as though he had tasted a lemon by the face he would make. I started to get a little worried because Ryan took to milk so easy, but I was determined to make him love it.
I kept giving him milk whenever he was hungry or thirsty. When the bottle was finally gone all he had was milk and I guess he finally figured out that he wasn't going to get anything else. He's now loving it and drinks it like a champ and I'm loving having my kitchen counter space back. Good-bye oversized bottle drying rack!
Now I have been planning Everett's party for a few months, but the week of the party I felt like I was in party planning over drive! Lucky for me, my meme came down to help me get things done. We made 42 dozen cookies, 15 tissue pom poms, coloring books, cookie crisp filled jars, and about a million other little things.
The day of the party I wanted to wake Everett up early so that he would take an earlier nap and be up and feeling good by his party at noon. Unfortunately a whole week of lack of sleep caught up to me and I didn't get out of bed until 8:30. Surprising however, Everett was ready for his nap by 9:45.....that never happens! Everything worked out perfect. My mom and meme arrived an hour before the party and I had them blow up balloons (note to self: never buy your own helium tank thinking you'll get the whole 30 balloons it promises, because you'll only get 18).
I was getting things accomplished and before I knew it it was time for the party...nooo!!! I needed at least 30 more minutes! Unfortunately this kept me from taking pre-party pictures of all the decorations with my nice camera and all I got were some quick (and crappy) snapshots. I even realized after the party that we didn't get any pictures of Jarrod...poor guys was stuck behind the video camera.
As soon as kids started to arrive I led them outside to the cookie decorating station. I think that was the biggest hit of the whole day! I've never seen kids scramble for icing and sprinkles so fast. I even asked a few kids if they wanted some more sprinkles to soak up some of their was literally oozing off the cookie.
After their faces were nice and covered in glittery, bright icing, we headed inside. The kids all pretty much went to Ryan's room and played dress-up while the adults took full advantage of the cookie bar. After lunch was served, Everett was given his 1st cupcake! I always do cupcakes for the kids' birthdays, it's a tradition I always wanted to start. I had made cookie monster cupcakes (hence the theme of the day), but Everett has a peanut allergy and I didn't want to take a chance with cocoNUT that was used for the fur. Silly, but that's my thinking process. Back to the birthday we all sang 'happy birthday' and Everett just kind of sat there looking at the cupcake. He had a cheeto in either hand and quickly shoved one into his mouth. I realized the only way I was going to get him to eat this cake was to remove all cheetos! He didn't like it when I took the last cheeto away, but I quickly scooped up some chocolate icing and shoved it in his mouth. "Hmmm....this is delicious!" was written all over his face and he quickly devoured the whole thing (or partially bathed in it).
After a mini bath in the sink, we sat down and started opening the huge pile of presents everyone had brought. Everett seemed to follow in his sisters footsteps and not really have any interest in actually unwrapping presents, so mommy was left to do the job (and I was totally okay with that! :) Once all the presents were opened Everett played non-stop. He loved every single thing he got! He played so hard he was passed out by 6 p.m. and slept until 9:30 a.m. the next morning. Now that some serious partying!
Thank you to everyone who came out for his party! We greatly appreciate it!
I kept giving him milk whenever he was hungry or thirsty. When the bottle was finally gone all he had was milk and I guess he finally figured out that he wasn't going to get anything else. He's now loving it and drinks it like a champ and I'm loving having my kitchen counter space back. Good-bye oversized bottle drying rack!
Now I have been planning Everett's party for a few months, but the week of the party I felt like I was in party planning over drive! Lucky for me, my meme came down to help me get things done. We made 42 dozen cookies, 15 tissue pom poms, coloring books, cookie crisp filled jars, and about a million other little things.
The day of the party I wanted to wake Everett up early so that he would take an earlier nap and be up and feeling good by his party at noon. Unfortunately a whole week of lack of sleep caught up to me and I didn't get out of bed until 8:30. Surprising however, Everett was ready for his nap by 9:45.....that never happens! Everything worked out perfect. My mom and meme arrived an hour before the party and I had them blow up balloons (note to self: never buy your own helium tank thinking you'll get the whole 30 balloons it promises, because you'll only get 18).
I was getting things accomplished and before I knew it it was time for the party...nooo!!! I needed at least 30 more minutes! Unfortunately this kept me from taking pre-party pictures of all the decorations with my nice camera and all I got were some quick (and crappy) snapshots. I even realized after the party that we didn't get any pictures of Jarrod...poor guys was stuck behind the video camera.
As soon as kids started to arrive I led them outside to the cookie decorating station. I think that was the biggest hit of the whole day! I've never seen kids scramble for icing and sprinkles so fast. I even asked a few kids if they wanted some more sprinkles to soak up some of their was literally oozing off the cookie.
After their faces were nice and covered in glittery, bright icing, we headed inside. The kids all pretty much went to Ryan's room and played dress-up while the adults took full advantage of the cookie bar. After lunch was served, Everett was given his 1st cupcake! I always do cupcakes for the kids' birthdays, it's a tradition I always wanted to start. I had made cookie monster cupcakes (hence the theme of the day), but Everett has a peanut allergy and I didn't want to take a chance with cocoNUT that was used for the fur. Silly, but that's my thinking process. Back to the birthday we all sang 'happy birthday' and Everett just kind of sat there looking at the cupcake. He had a cheeto in either hand and quickly shoved one into his mouth. I realized the only way I was going to get him to eat this cake was to remove all cheetos! He didn't like it when I took the last cheeto away, but I quickly scooped up some chocolate icing and shoved it in his mouth. "Hmmm....this is delicious!" was written all over his face and he quickly devoured the whole thing (or partially bathed in it).
After a mini bath in the sink, we sat down and started opening the huge pile of presents everyone had brought. Everett seemed to follow in his sisters footsteps and not really have any interest in actually unwrapping presents, so mommy was left to do the job (and I was totally okay with that! :) Once all the presents were opened Everett played non-stop. He loved every single thing he got! He played so hard he was passed out by 6 p.m. and slept until 9:30 a.m. the next morning. Now that some serious partying!
Thank you to everyone who came out for his party! We greatly appreciate it!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
An Overdue Update
Wow, I'm a little embarassed that my last post about my family was last November, yikes! A lot has happened since then, several milestones. Jarrod finished his Bachelor degree last month and it's been a huge relief to both of us. With Jarrod working overtime and being in school, basically every house/yard project you can imagine was put on hold....but I have a rather long list waiting for him :) We're finally finding time to actually spend together without feeling so stressed. We've been starting to talk a lot more about our 'future home' and what area we want to finally settle in. We won't announce anything until it's official so stay tuned!

Everett is now 8 months old and seriously one of the sweetest babies you will ever meet, even though (bless his heart) he is a bit lazy. He just recently starting rolling around on the floor and still can't quite sit up on his own (poor thing always topples over to one side). Even though he might be a little bit behind in those areas, he's definitely making up for it at the dinner table. Biter biscuits, cereal, puffies, stage 2 jar food, you name it, the boy will eat it! He's still a little clumsy with his finger coordination, but he's getting better with it each day. He's been holding his own bottle and juice cup for a couple months now and that's a huge help to me when I'm in the middle of doing a million other things and he's ready to eat. He's only said 1 word so far but I am happy to announce that it was "MAMA!" That's right people, he's a 100% mama's boy! We don't have a visual on any little toophies coming in yet, but I'm enjoying every second of his big gummy grin. That boys whole face lights up when he smiles and this mama always gets the biggest ones :)

Ryan is now 2 1/2 and makes sure you know she's in the room. She's my little chatterbox and I love sitting and just listening to her babble on and on and absolutely anything and everything. Everytime Ryan sees me on the phone she has to talk to whomever I'm talking to....they may not understand everything she says, but she sure does have enthusiasm! She loves playing her little instruments and 'rocking out' (as she likes to say). She sings to the top of her lungs and you can probably recognize the melody of the song she sings before you can understand the words. She loves going to school (Mother's Day Out) and squeals with excitement everytime I drop her off and pick her up. She loves clothes and shoes and insists on trying every new piece of clothing on. Flip flops are her favorite and I'm a little embarassed to say that she already has 9 pair for the summer. Ryan doesn't exactly know musicians, but when we tell her to sing Bieber she says "Baby, Oooh! I liiiike it!" (ok, ok, so she combines Justin Beiber and Enrique Iglesias, that just shows how talented she is....she's my little rock star!)

As for me, I'm still in school (going on the 20th year, right?), still juggling to meet my kids' and husbands needs while making sure the house stays clean, the menu gets planned, the groceries get bought, the laundry gets folded, and the dinner gets cooked. Jarrod and I recently started running and will be doing our first 5K this Saturday (slow and steady may not win the race but our goal is just to finish!) This run will be my baseline run and I plan on doing at least 1 more 5K in the fall, hopefully I will shave a lot of time off of my 1st run.

Everett is now 8 months old and seriously one of the sweetest babies you will ever meet, even though (bless his heart) he is a bit lazy. He just recently starting rolling around on the floor and still can't quite sit up on his own (poor thing always topples over to one side). Even though he might be a little bit behind in those areas, he's definitely making up for it at the dinner table. Biter biscuits, cereal, puffies, stage 2 jar food, you name it, the boy will eat it! He's still a little clumsy with his finger coordination, but he's getting better with it each day. He's been holding his own bottle and juice cup for a couple months now and that's a huge help to me when I'm in the middle of doing a million other things and he's ready to eat. He's only said 1 word so far but I am happy to announce that it was "MAMA!" That's right people, he's a 100% mama's boy! We don't have a visual on any little toophies coming in yet, but I'm enjoying every second of his big gummy grin. That boys whole face lights up when he smiles and this mama always gets the biggest ones :)

Ryan is now 2 1/2 and makes sure you know she's in the room. She's my little chatterbox and I love sitting and just listening to her babble on and on and absolutely anything and everything. Everytime Ryan sees me on the phone she has to talk to whomever I'm talking to....they may not understand everything she says, but she sure does have enthusiasm! She loves playing her little instruments and 'rocking out' (as she likes to say). She sings to the top of her lungs and you can probably recognize the melody of the song she sings before you can understand the words. She loves going to school (Mother's Day Out) and squeals with excitement everytime I drop her off and pick her up. She loves clothes and shoes and insists on trying every new piece of clothing on. Flip flops are her favorite and I'm a little embarassed to say that she already has 9 pair for the summer. Ryan doesn't exactly know musicians, but when we tell her to sing Bieber she says "Baby, Oooh! I liiiike it!" (ok, ok, so she combines Justin Beiber and Enrique Iglesias, that just shows how talented she is....she's my little rock star!)

As for me, I'm still in school (going on the 20th year, right?), still juggling to meet my kids' and husbands needs while making sure the house stays clean, the menu gets planned, the groceries get bought, the laundry gets folded, and the dinner gets cooked. Jarrod and I recently started running and will be doing our first 5K this Saturday (slow and steady may not win the race but our goal is just to finish!) This run will be my baseline run and I plan on doing at least 1 more 5K in the fall, hopefully I will shave a lot of time off of my 1st run.

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