Everett is now 8 months old and seriously one of the sweetest babies you will ever meet, even though (bless his heart) he is a bit lazy. He just recently starting rolling around on the floor and still can't quite sit up on his own (poor thing always topples over to one side). Even though he might be a little bit behind in those areas, he's definitely making up for it at the dinner table. Biter biscuits, cereal, puffies, stage 2 jar food, you name it, the boy will eat it! He's still a little clumsy with his finger coordination, but he's getting better with it each day. He's been holding his own bottle and juice cup for a couple months now and that's a huge help to me when I'm in the middle of doing a million other things and he's ready to eat. He's only said 1 word so far but I am happy to announce that it was "MAMA!" That's right people, he's a 100% mama's boy! We don't have a visual on any little toophies coming in yet, but I'm enjoying every second of his big gummy grin. That boys whole face lights up when he smiles and this mama always gets the biggest ones :)

Ryan is now 2 1/2 and makes sure you know she's in the room. She's my little chatterbox and I love sitting and just listening to her babble on and on and absolutely anything and everything. Everytime Ryan sees me on the phone she has to talk to whomever I'm talking to....they may not understand everything she says, but she sure does have enthusiasm! She loves playing her little instruments and 'rocking out' (as she likes to say). She sings to the top of her lungs and you can probably recognize the melody of the song she sings before you can understand the words. She loves going to school (Mother's Day Out) and squeals with excitement everytime I drop her off and pick her up. She loves clothes and shoes and insists on trying every new piece of clothing on. Flip flops are her favorite and I'm a little embarassed to say that she already has 9 pair for the summer. Ryan doesn't exactly know musicians, but when we tell her to sing Bieber she says "Baby, Oooh! I liiiike it!" (ok, ok, so she combines Justin Beiber and Enrique Iglesias, that just shows how talented she is....she's my little rock star!)

As for me, I'm still in school (going on the 20th year, right?), still juggling to meet my kids' and husbands needs while making sure the house stays clean, the menu gets planned, the groceries get bought, the laundry gets folded, and the dinner gets cooked. Jarrod and I recently started running and will be doing our first 5K this Saturday (slow and steady may not win the race but our goal is just to finish!) This run will be my baseline run and I plan on doing at least 1 more 5K in the fall, hopefully I will shave a lot of time off of my 1st run.