We finally went on our first family camping trip in our brand new camper. I didn't realize how much actually went in to organizing and packing everything. I was exhausted before we even got to the camp site.
It was dark by the time our friends got to the camp site (they took their own camper) and we ate some yummy chicken noodle soup that they made. Roman built a fire and we all got busy making the much anticipated s'mores!
Ryan was starting to look tired, so I went and laid her down in her bed. I guess I'm used to letting her fall asleep on her own at home, so once I laid her in there I just went ahead and went back outside and turned on the monitor. Wow, was that a mistake! I don't know if it was because she was in a different environment or what, but she screamed for hours! Jarrod and I were up all night with her, which was rough. I had not anticipated her acting like that. At about 5 a.m. we finally decided to just get up and make breakfast.
That afternoon the guys went fishing while Celeste and I did what we do best....scrapbooking! That's right, we scrapbooked while camping! I put Ryan in her pack n play outside beside me and she finally fell asleep. Poor thing had been up almost 24 hours with no rest.
Ryan finally gave in to exhaustion.

We set up a tv outside by the campfire and watched Will Ferrell's 'The Land of the Lost.' All I can say is that was the wierdest most obnoxious movie I've ever seen. The beginning was okay, but then it was as if all the characters were high on something and kept going to different "rooms" in dinosaur land. Very strange.
1st family camping photo

The next morning we packed up and headed out.....I'm making sound a lot easier than it was. I stayed cooped up with fussy Ryan in the camper while Jarrod packed up the outside.
Once we got home I ran inside to use the restroom and decided to take a pregnancy test (I had been feeling very emotional and tired). I didn't even watch it because I just knew I wasn't. I went back out to finish unloading boxes and then remembered the test. I went back to check it and was shocked to find a little "+" sign...not a "-". I just stood there staring at it with my mouth wide open. I don't know how long I stood there but it felt like forever. All I could think of was double strollers, having to get a minivan, and how I was going to handle a new baby and a one year old.
I walked outside and told Jarrod to 'come here.' I looked at him, showed him the test, and simply said "I think I'm pregnant." I thought he would have had a similar reaction to mine, but nope....he kissed me and said, "that's awesome! I really want a boy!"
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