I've been reading so many status updates on facebook about how people are glad to see 2009 go and start a new year, but I'm actually a little sad to see it go. 2009 is filled with memories of Ryan as a baby and watching her learn new things day by day, getting a new camper and taking our first family camping trip, and finding out we're expecting a second child....I'd say it's been a pretty great year!
Hopefully 2010 will be as exciting as the previous year. 'Baby dos' is due July 12th and in a few short weeks we will be able to give him or her a "real" name. This pregnancy seems to be going by fast.....but that's probably because I don't have time to just sit around and 'daydream' about a new baby. Ryan is keeping me busy, but she is such a good little girl. She wakes up in a great mood and is constantly smiling and laughing all day. She's rarely ever fussy and is starting to understand what "no" means and obeys it.
With a new year comes new resolutions. I always make them even if I might not always fulfill them. They're just fun. As usual I would love to lose weight, but since I'm pregnant I'll just focus on eating healthier.....I really want to concentrate on eating more fruit and stay away from meat. I also need to try to stick to a light workout routine (I've been absent from the gym this month due to morning sickness, but it should be gone soon). I want to really try and work on handling my stress. I seem to get stressed out over little things and it's finally taking its toll....I fould about 20-30 gray hairs this week! Eek!! I also need to concentrate harder on my schoolwork and not be satisfied with a 'decent' grade but really push myself to do my best. I think I keep a clean house but I'd like to step it up a notch and really be on top of it. Laundry has got to be the absolute worst chore there is but I need to try and really make myself love it....because it doesn't seem to be going anywhere. And lastly I need to start making some more time to spend with friends. I think that when you stay at home you tend to become a bit of a loner and not really care to go anywhere. I used to love going off with friends and hanging out but I've found myself just staying home because it's 'easier'....well that's going to change. I need my girl time just like Jarrod needs his guy time and we're really going to make this a priority.
All in all it's been a really great year and I look forward to whatever 2010 will hold for my little Oerman family :)
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