Everett is now 3 months old and such a happy little boy! He has the cutest smile I've ever seen and I can already tell he's a momma's boy (which I am absolutely loving). He's starting to interact more and likes to 'talk' quite a bit now. He's a very content little man and generally likes to just sit and watch his big sister. He doesn't demand a lot of attention, which is good considering that his big sister does!

Ryan is about to be 2 years old and she's becoming a little girl, not my little baby anymore. I love to listen to her talk, which she usually does non-stop. My favorite things she says are "Hake up!"(wake up), "Hollow" (hello), and "Buh-gah" (booger), lol. We've started putting her in Mother's Day Out to give her more of a social setting and she's loving it. She loves to walk around wearing her backpack and I'm only embarassed to say that I enjoy packing her bookbag and lunch box in the evening to get her ready for school. She's got such a sweet spirit about her and greets everyone she sees with a "hello." She absolutely loves her little brother and so far I have never seen any kind of jealousy between them. Jarrod and I try our best to spend as much time as we can with each of them.

We are still attending Steven Creek Community Church and love it. It is definitely the place God wants us to be. I've been wanting to start doing some volunteer work in a soup kitchen or donation center so I'm going to be looking into that. Recently our church as been discussing how to find you're strengths so that you can use them to serve God and help people and I feel that this is an area I would be good at.

This year Jarrod and I have changed the way we eat and the foods that we eat. Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution coupled with the documentary movie "Food Inc." was enough to push us to change. I've struggled with my weight my whole life and I'm tired of it. I'm tired of feeling sluggish and wanting to constantly sit or lay down to rest. As a family we have decided to reduce the amount of meat that we eat and only cook meat that has been humanely raised with no growth hormones administered. Yes it is more expensive, but since this is something very important to us, we will invest in it. Earth Fare is a grocery store that we've been buying from lately and it only sells items that have no artifical ingredients, growth hormones, high fructose corn syrup, or hydrogenated or partially-hydrogenated oils added trans-fats. I cook basically all of our meals so it's easy to control what we eat, however, when we go out to each (which isn't very often) or to our friends houses we will obviously be a lot more lenient....we are still in the beginning stages of this change and we don't expect everyone around us to each exactly as we do.
Ryan's 2nd birthday party is next week and I can't wait to see how excited she gets! We're having it at Adventure Crossing because it have a carousel and that is Ryan's absolute favorite thing! We're also having our first adult halloween costume party, so that should be a lot of fun....I've been preparing for it for weeks. In November we will have our family pictures made at Hopeland Gardens and then Thanksgiving will be here, followed closely behind by Christmas. I love this time of year and all the craziness that comes along with it!
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