Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Disciplining is harder than I thought....

So, Ryan is getting to the age where she wants pretty much everything she can't have....picture frames, dog food, plugs, moss from the palm tree plant, you name it! I'm trying to start disciplining her so that she knows right from wrong, but it's emotionally harder than I thought it would be, but I'm doing pretty good so far. Time out obviously doesn't work on a 9 month old because they don't understand it, so I have started telling her 'no' and popping her hand. When she's getting into something she's not suppose to, I tell her 'no' and pry the object from her hand. When she reaches for it again I pop her hand and tell her 'no.' I repeat this process until she finally crawls away from it. By that time she's crying hysterically and has a red hand, but I haven't seen her mess with any of those objects since.

Ryan loves remote controls and I usually can't fix on the tv whatever button she's hit.

About to eat mommy's coupons and sale ads.
I know some people will probably not agree with this tactic, but I want my child to know right from wrong and respect authority, and I believe this should start at an early age. I see so many kids now-a-days that run wild and don't listen to their parents or any other adults for that matter and I refuse to let Ryan be one of those. When she's older Jarrod and I will find what kind of discipline works best for her, whether it be spankings, time out, or taking away toys. I'm determined to stick to what we have decided even though it can be emotionally tough. No parent wants to watch their child cry, but I have to keep telling myself it will be worth it in the end.

Ryan heading over to the palm tree to eat some moss!

Ryan broke through my pillow barrier and found a plug....go figure.


  1. Good for you for recognizing that children need discipline! We did the same thing with the girls, and neither touch things on coffee tables, pull down movies etc. I can live a lit candle on the table and no one bothers it. My MIL is always amazed that the girls don't get into the knick knacks at her house. ;)

  2. That's good, Crystal. You might also try re-directing her, when you tell her no, to something else eye-catching...like a toy or something.
    She'll thank you for it some day!
