Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Stress.....lots of stress!

I've never done well handling stress. Ever. I get very emotional and overwhelmed. I have become a lot more patient ever since having Ryan, so that has helped me somewhat deal with stress better, but I still have a long way to go!

The past few days have been extremely stressful. Ryan is going through a really wierd phase. All of a sudden she hates to be alone. You can't put her down, walk out of a room, or even take a few steps away from her before she starts screaming. And I'm not talking about just a little whining, I'm talking full on blood curdling screaming! Since she was about 3 months old she has always slept about 12 at night. Now I can't even start to put her down in her crib before she goes nuts. I know it's just separation anxiety (her doctor said this may start), but how do you deal with it? They say not to pick them up every time they cry (mainly at night), but Ryan screamed for almost 2 hours straight the other night and finally I just had to put her in the bed with me. I don't want her to make herself sick.

Do all babies go through this? I mean it literally came out of nowhere! Saturday she was fine and Sunday she woke up an entirely different baby. I hope this is a short phase because I really want my happy baby back.

On top of Ryan spazzing out, I started a new class....math. Ugh! I am terrible at math and this class is not making any sense to me whatsoever! Last night while I was trying to do my chapter quiz, I had to deal with Ryan screaming every 30 minutes and that just about sent me over the edge. I literally just wanted to throw my hands up, quit school, and cry.....but I didn't. (Partly because my husband would kill me and there's no way I'm ever going to be an x-ray tech again).

Will school ever end? Will Ryan ever stop crying? Will the laundry ever just wash itself? (Okay that last one is a little far fetched). Stress seems to pile up and finally just take its toll on me. Hopefully I will be able to handle it better this time than in the past. I went to the gym this morning and that did help a little so we'll see. Just pray for my sanity....

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